Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Oscar Movie Poster Series #2: Django Unchained

Next in the series is revered filmmaker Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, a western that followed a vengeful slave-turned- bounty hunter, played by Jamie Foxx:

Tarantino (somewhat unsurprisingly) attracts a heavyweight cast for each of his films; therefore, it's unsurprising that each star's name is at the core of this intriguing poster. Like Beasts in my previous post, Django Unchained is also ambiguous in it's narrative structure, playing on the big names- including Tarantino's himself- to attract a large audience. The three characters stare out of the poster, drawing 'eye contact' with the viewer, asking the viewer to question of the motives of each of the three men. The bold color palette, including red, connotes a sense of conflict and bloodshed. Additionally, the guns on the poster symbolically connote danger and violence which, of course, are a big part of Tarantino's movies. The tagline introduces key themes of vengeance, without giving away any core plot details, and the title itself ('unchained') suggests to me the idea of a rabid animal being let loose. This poster is indeed effective, making the audience want to find out more about Tarantino's compelling Westerner...

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