Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Oscar Movie Poster Series #5: Silver Linings Playbook

Fifth is David O'Russell's drama/rom-com Silver Linings Playbook led by Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper:

This is my least favored of the ten posters, which is a shame, because it's not the worst film. The book was great, the film good, but the poster leaves much to be desired. Why's this? Well, the film is really about depression, and how love can save us from demise. It's also about American football- indeed, the title alludes to this. However, I'm disappointed in how the Weinsteins' shy away from these key themes because they're difficult to cater for to an international audience, especially when football isn't such a global sport. When marketing, you can't mislead your audience, to the extent where the poster conveys a flashy rom-com about two flawless Hollywood stars- that's not what the film is and shows a lack of confidence in your target market. Asides from this, I dislike how the excellent ensemble cast is, for the most part, omitted from the poster. Also, the color scheme comes across as too demure. However, I do appreciate the playbook-like graphics, which acts as a teaser for the films themes, and the openness of the pairing in the poster creates a bond and connection with the audience.

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